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Bowls e pratos de chapas de vidro montadas com padronagem que remetem às tradicionais calçadas de mosaicos portugueses.

IMG_3580 tr gl

IMG_3580 tr gl

IMG_0872 tr gl.jpg

IMG_0872 tr gl.jpg

IMG_0923 tr gl

IMG_0923 tr gl

IMG_3644 tr - detalhe

IMG_3644 tr - detalhe

IMG_3641 tr detalhe

IMG_3641 tr detalhe

IMG_3587 tr gl

IMG_3587 tr gl

IMG_3748 co gl.jpg

IMG_3748 co gl.jpg

IMG_9194 tr site

IMG_9194 tr site

IMG_0878 tr

IMG_0878 tr

IMG_0931 tr gl

IMG_0931 tr gl

IMG_0948 tr gl.jpg

IMG_0948 tr gl.jpg

IMG_0957 tr gl

IMG_0957 tr gl

IMG_0956 tr gl

IMG_0956 tr gl

mosaico verde 36 f

mosaico verde 36 f

mosaico verde 36 c

mosaico verde 36 c

IMG_0860 tr gl.jpg

IMG_0860 tr gl.jpg

IMG_0875 tr

IMG_0875 tr

IMG_0933 tr gl

IMG_0933 tr gl

IMG_0920 tr gl

IMG_0920 tr gl

IMG_0940 tr gl

IMG_0940 tr gl

IMG_0939 tr gl

IMG_0939 tr gl

IMG_0937 tr gl

IMG_0937 tr gl

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